Thursday, April 10, 2008


As some of you know from emails and this blog and visits to the store, we do a monthly Wine, Cheese and a Book, Please event the third Thursday of each month. We would like to liven things up a bit and are requesting your input either here by adding a comment, calling us at 508-748-1041 or stopping by the store as to your ideas of what you might like to see happen at these events. Poetry reading, special book discussions, theme night have all been suggested. Any takers on those or any other ideas? This is your local bookstore and we would like to have your input to make this event more meaningful for you.

In addition, if you have any suggestions for any other events that we could hold, please let us know as well.

Thank you for taking the time to respond.

and remember, so many books.... so little time....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mimi, you can sing and dance on the sidewalk outside The Bookstall door: and/or show a little leg to the drivers of the cars passing by! !!