Saturday, July 5, 2008


When the latest email came out, it seemed that no one knew what I was reading. Because it's such a good book, I wanted to let you know I'm deeply engrossed in David Baldacci's THE WHOLE TRUTH. It's billed as his first international thriller, and what a complex (and troubling) tale he has created. Baldacci never disappoints his readers!!

1 comment:

Peter said...

Mimi, Ann, et al...
I just finished reading The Serenity Prayer by Eisabeth Sifton. She is the daughter of Rheinhold Niebuhr, the great Protestant (Lutheran) theolgian who wrote the original prayer that AA later adapted for its own use. I bought it thinking I might learn something about the prayer itself, and I got much more than I expected. It's not just about the prayer. It's a critical look at what was happening in the US, England, and Germany in the 1930s leading up to WWII, the war itself, and then the aftermath. It's absolutely fascinating, especially for anyone with an interest in church affairs -- especially Episcopal and other protestant denominations. If you're liberal, you'll love it. If not, well, Niebuhr didn't think much of any denomination that had its head in the sand before and during the war. The characters are familiar: Paul Tillich, Dietrich Bonhoffer, Bishop Franics McConnell, Felix Frankfurter, W. H. Auden, Archbishop William Temple, and on and on.
It also has many frightening (to me) parallels with what's happening politically and religiously in the US today. Some things never change, I guess.
I highly recommend The Serenity Prayer.